
Each of her pieces is inspired by a little story, a memory, a part of the outside world, a shape, a painting, or even a poem. It is essential for her to convey more than just “beauty” through her collections; she wishes to offer emotions, and connections from your life to your future jewelry. In September 2023, she opened her own jewelry shop called “Feu Atelier” in Brussels, where she sells her pieces and teaches her know-how through workshops.


“Wear a piece of poetry”

Amélie is an artist and jewelry designer. She discovered jewelry and silversmithing at New York University in 2015, during a year of exchange at an art school. She moved to Brussels the following year, where she continued her training in jewelry, silversmithing, and lost wax casting. At the same time, she obtained her Master’s in Sculpture at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Brussels.
