
Artistic Approach: A lover of watercolor and digital techniques, the artist combines these two contrasting worlds. Digitization adds a dimension to the painted work. It allows advanced exploration of effects to exploit, enhance transparencies, reflections, and contrasts between colors and materials. Moreover, the material often forms an integral part of the initial draft, such as aluminum, plastic, hemp, burlap, and others. It adds depth and additional relief to the photograph. Guided by his moods, the artist creates original works, light or dark, and engaged. The artistic proposals are sometimes very diverse, justified by an intrinsic need to explore the horizon of possibilities, to escape into other concepts. The link that unites them is the method, the path taken. While having his own vision, it is important for him to evoke emotions and allow everyone great freedom of interpretation.


An Italo-Hungarian artist born in Brussels on July 30, 1968, Bruno Ceretta developed a taste for drawing at a young age. Although he took spatial art courses at the Institut St-Luc in Brussels and worked as a freelance designer in an architecture office, he is a self-taught painter. He continually practices, deliberately moving from figurative to abstract.
