
The illustrations are created point by point, by hand. I use photographic models, and it’s strangely beautiful and bizarre to see what happens when you confront an “instantaneous” technique with a very laborious and seemingly endless one. It’s telescopic in the temporal sense. It also reminds me of the concept of “mandalas” composed of millions of grains of sand. Each ink dot is a “now.” How many “nows” does it take to make a drawing? How do you find and capture this “now”? Where are the beginning and the end of “now”? Point by point, the image materializes on the surface of the paper. Up close, it’s just a mass of speckles, like watching an old television when the broadcast is over, and there’s all that “snow” making a “sssshhh” sound… Then, from the right distance, the image appears, with shapes, figures, landscapes, trees… it resembles the world.


Emilia Tillberg graduated from the École des Beaux-Arts of Saint-Étienne, in the design/graphic section. Through her artistic work, she experiments with material (object, image, and…).