My work is about emergence. In my art, I convey the sense of courage and the difficulty of bringing out our own inner being. It is a universal desire, as we seek to express our talent, our true personality to the world. We are often double-sided people, both social and private. I see beauty in the world. I am inspired by the immense pleasure and sense of discovery that comes from continuous observation around me. I use photographic materials found in fashion magazines. Images of top models particularly influence me through their poses, gestures, or facial expressions. In my current paintings, I also explore images of famous people, often artists. To me, these people have discovered courage. My paintings convey a sense of beauty, resilience, and, despite difficulties, peace.
Joanna Glazer has traveled and lived for extended periods in many countries: Poland, France, Italy, Japan, the United States, Belgium, and the United Kingdom. She was born in Gdansk (Poland). Joanna Glazer’s paintings have been exhibited in solo exhibitions throughout France, the United Kingdom, and Japan, including at the Joel Garcia Gallery in Paris, the Espace Gaillane Gallery in Avignon, the Mis a Nu Gallery, and La Marotte Gallery in the south of France, at the Iceberg Gallery in Antibes (France), the Philharmonic Center in Koide (Japan), and the International University of Japan.