
Roxane Salmon is a versatile artist, skillfully blending wire sculpture and recycled elements to create captivating works. She spray paints her creations, infusing them with life, preciousness, and color, depicting animals, insects, and marine creatures. Faithfully respecting the anatomy of each subject, her works are distinguished by their simplicity and elegance. As a graphic designer and illustrator, Roxane has a pure and precise line with a unique signature. She also explores acrylic painting to create slightly impressionistic landscapes, enriching her work with a new visual dimension.


Born into a family of artists, Roxane Salmon has been immersed in creativity since childhood. Her training at the Beaux-Arts was marked by diverse exploration: comics, manga, expressive drawing and painting, impressionism, landscapes, wire sculptures, and photography, often inspired by insects and marine animals. Her art, imbued with her passion for biology and sciences, reflects a fascination with nature and its complexity. Today, she merges artistic and scientific influences, forging a distinct signature in contemporary art.
