
A Brief History of SAFFCA

2015 – SAFFCA NPC founded in South Africa
2016 – First residencies in Saint Emilion
2017 – Residencies for African artists in Saint Emilion and exhibition at the Agence Culturelle de Périgueux
2018 – Residencies for African artists in Saint Emilion and exhibition at the Musée du Carmel in Libourne
Residencies for European artists in Africa
2019 – Residencies for African artists in Saint Emilion and exhibition at the MECA in Bordeaux
Residencies for European artists in Africa
2020 – Covid Pandemic
2021 – Creation of SAFFCA.EU, partnership with ENSAV LA CAMBRE, tripartite agreement between Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles/LA CAMBRE/SAFFCA.EU, start of refurbishment and adaptation work of the space at Abbaye de La Cambre for SAFFCA.EU initiatives.
2022 – End of the works, official opening of the SAFFCA.EU space at 17 Abbaye de La Cambre on April 26, 2022. Africa-Europe cross-residencies in Brussels and in Africa, “carte blanche” exhibition, and the first SAFFCA Autumn Fair.
2023 – SAFFCA.EU now manages all of SAFFCA’s initiatives on the two continents.