
“De geometría variable” is a project that combines ceramics and poetry written in Spanish. The starting point of the project is how to express the relationship with others (love, desire, loss) through mathematical concepts (homothety, symmetry, prime numbers, geometric shapes, topology…). The ceramic pieces engage in dialogue with poems I have written in Spanish, which also play with these mathematical concepts. The works are displayed on black pedestals that present the poems in Spanish, with translations in French and Dutch. The project is currently exhibited at the Instituto Cervantes in Brussels (Avenue Louise 140). The photos of the pieces were taken by photographer Christophe Delma (WINNER SPECIAL PRIZE-ANIMAL ART CONTEST-COMMUNE D’IXELLES 2024 (MUSÉE D’IXELLES & ART SCHOOL)). The project is enriched by a collaboration with DJ and producer Jo Matba:


Spanish by birth, I have lived in Brussels for 12 years after living in France and the United States. I have been writing poetry since my university years. Passionate about art, I decided to study ceramics and art history in 2018. Since then, art has become a form of expression for me. I started at the Saint-Gilles Academy in 2018, and for the past 4 years, I have continued my ceramics training at the Ixelles Academy. We have recently started a project to set the poems of “De geometría variable” to music, where I recite the poems, and Jo Matba creates songs based on the pieces and poems. The idea is to continue this research project to produce a song for each poem-piece. On the day of the opening at the Instituto Cervantes, Jo Matba performed an ambient DJ set to create an atmosphere in harmony with the exhibited work. We could perform a new live performance on the evening of the opening: live poetry recitation and ambient DJ set. We do not yet have a venue for this performance.
