
I am a photographer passionate about exploring intimacy. My work, primarily in black and white, is characterized by a minimalist style that seeks to capture the essence of emotions, matter, and life. Through my photographs, I strive to reveal the subtleties, the depth of intimacy, and the hidden beauty in simplicity, whether it be in textures, fleeting moments, or states of mind. Each image is an invitation to dive into a world where the visible and invisible meet, where hidden details come to life under a new light. My minimalist approach highlights the purity of forms and the power of contrasts, creating a silent dialogue between the work and the viewer. This quest for intimacy, through its authenticity and simplicity, aims to deeply touch and evoke personal and universal resonances.


A self-taught photographer for about ten years, I had the opportunity to improve my skills through a Master Class in Paris three years ago, guided by Ljubisa Danilovic and Sabrina Biancuzzi. Their teaching deepened my understanding of photography, allowing me to explore more subtle dimensions of image composition. Alongside my artistic and therapeutic activities, I live in harmony with my values of respect for others and the environment. I strive to lead a daily life in accordance with these principles. Five years ago, I acquired a forest in Latvia to, among other things, create a retreat space, to return to the essentials in connection with our natural surroundings. This forest allows me to recharge and nourish my artistic inspiration.
